
Glossary of EM.Cube's Python Functions

1,361 bytes added, 18:31, 10 April 2017
DESCRIPTION: Generates and displays the mesh of the physical structure.
SYNTAX: microstrip_design({{ArgTypeReal}} z0, {{ArgTypeReal}} er)
EXAMPLE: ''microstrip_design(50,2.2)''
DESCRIPTION: Computes and returns the width-to-height ratio of a microstrip transmission line with characteristic impedance z0 in Ohms and substrate relative permittivity er.
SYNTAX: microstrip_z0({{ArgTypeReal}} w, {{ArgTypeReal}} h, {{ArgTypeReal}} er)
EXAMPLE: ''microstrip_z0(2,0.5,2.2)''
DESCRIPTION: Computes and returns the characteristic impedance (in Ohms) of a microstrip transmission line with width w, substrate height h and substrate relative permittivity er.
SYNTAX: microstrip_eps_eff({{ArgTypeReal}} w, {{ArgTypeReal}} h, {{ArgTypeReal}} er)
EXAMPLE: ''microstrip_eps_eff(2,0.5,2.2)''
DESCRIPTION: Computes and returns the effective permittivity of a microstrip transmission line with width w, substrate height h and substrate relative permittivity er.
SYNTAX: microstrip_lambda_g({{ArgTypeReal}} w, {{ArgTypeReal}} h, {{ArgTypeReal}} er, {{ArgTypeReal}} freq_hertz)
EXAMPLE: ''microstrip_lambda_g(2,0.5,2.2,2e9)''
DESCRIPTION: Computes and returns the guide wavelength (in meters) of a microstrip transmission line with width w, substrate height h, substrate relative permittivity er and operating frequency freq_hertz.