B2.Spice A/D-RF.Spice

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Welcome to the Joint B2.Spice A/D - RF.Spice Wiki!

B2.Spice A/D Manual

Below are some links to help you get started using B2.Spice A/D:

RF.Spice Manual

Below are some links to help you understand the additional features RF.Spice offers besides all the functionality of B2.Spice A/D:

Lists & Glassories

B2.Spice A/D Tutorial

Each tutorial lesson listed below walks you through the basic features of B2.Spice A/D covering many different topics. Lessons 1-4 teach you how to set up simple analog and digital circuits, perform various tests and live simulations and visualize the simulation results. In Lessons 5 and 6, you will learn how to create new parts, devices, simulation models and symbols using B2.Spice's versatile Device Editor.

RF.Spice Tutorial

RF.Spice is a superset of B2.Spice A/D and adds a host of RF circuit simulation capabilities to analog, digital and mixed-mode circuit analyses. We highly recommend that you complete the first few tutorial lessons of B2.Spice A/D and familiarize yourself with the basic functions of the Workshop and Schematic Editor before attempting to run the RF tutorial lessons. Each tutorial lesson listed below walks you through the basic features of RF.Spice covering a variety of topics from simple transmission lines to more complex passive and active circuits and systems:

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