EM.Cube & RF.Spice A/D Tutorial

RF.Spice A/D Analog Tutorial Lessons

Analog Tutorial Lesson 1

A Simple Voltage Divider Circuit
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will build a linear circuit consisting of a voltage source and two resistors. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you become comfortable with the RF.Spice A/D Workshop, which includes the Schematic Editor for drawing circuits and the Data Manager for plotting your simulation results.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 2

Time and Frequency Domain Analysis of an RLC Filter
What you will learn:
In this tutorial, you will investigate a linear, time-varying, RLC circuit. Using this circuit, you’ll learn how to analyze transient and frequency domain responses. You will also learn how to set up and use a virtual instrument like the Oscilloscope during a live simulation.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 3

Analyzing a Basic Bipolar Junction Transistor Circuit
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to define, use and customize active devices such as bipolar junction transistors (BJT). Specifically, you will build a simple RTL (Resistor-Transistor-Logic) inverter circuit and perform DC, transient and AC analyses of your inverter circuit. You will also learn how to place and use voltmeters and ammeters.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 4

Analyzing CMOS Logic Circuits Using MOSFET Devices
What you will learn:
In this tutorial first you will build and analyze three logic gate circuits: an inverter, a two-input NAND gate and a two-input NOR gate, using complementary MOSFET transistors. Then you will combine the previous circuits to build a two-input AND gate and a two-input OR gate.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 5

Creating a New Part from Your Analog Circuit
What you will learn:
RF.Spice A/D allows you to take a circuit and turn it into a user defined part. Almost any circuit can be turned into a part with just a few steps. The new device is stored in RF.Spice’s Parts Database. You can create multiple instances of your new device in any circuit. In this tutorial lesson, you will learn how to use RF.Spice’s Device Manager. You will create a voltage multiplier circuit as shown below and then will turn it into a new database device. in this lesson, you will also learn how to set up a parametric sweep in RF.Spice A/D.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 6

Designing Basic Amplifier Circuits Using Op-Amp Devices
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will design a difference amplifier using the LM741 Op-Amp model. This Op-Amp can be replaced with any other Op-Amp part from various semiconductor manufacturers, like LM101, AD711, OP16, to name a few, or with RF.Spice’s parameterized Op-Amp model. You will examine the operation of the amplifier using the “Live Parameters” feature of RF.Spice A/D. You will also investigate special cases of this circuit like inverting and non-inverting amplifiers and voltage follower.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 7

Designing Active Sallen-Key Filters
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will first design second-order lowpass, highpass and bandpass Sallen-Key active filters using an operational amplifier, resistors and capacitors. You will also learn how to define custom plots. Next, you will cascade two second-order lowpass filters to design fourth-order Butterworth and Chebyshev lowpass filters.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 8

Designing Low & High Frequency Oscillator Circuits
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will first build a Wien Bridge Oscillator using an LM741 Op-Amp and will analyze its oscillatory behavior. Next, you will build and test a high frequency Colpitts oscillator using a parallel resonant LC circuit. The primary objective of this tutorial lesson is to underline the challenges of analyzing oscillator circuits.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 9

Creating a Reusable Parameterized Subcircuit Device
What you will learn:

In this tutorial you will learn how to use RF.Spice’s Device Manager to create new versatile parameterized parts, devices and models. Specifically, you will create a resistive bridge network that can be reconfigured as a “Tee” or “Pi” network using a “Type” parameter.

Besides offering a large set of native behavioral models, RF.Spice A/D allows you to define many new models and parts using Netlist Subcircuits. Netlist is SPICE’s standard programming language. In Tutorial Lesson 5, you created a new part from your existing analog circuit. Your new device was generated “As Is” with no parameters that you could control in different circuits and applications. Parameterized Subcircuit Parts, on the other hand, are user defined devices whose behavior can be modified with one or more parameters. The ability to create parameterized subcircuit models and devices is one of RF.Spice’s most powerful features. In this project, all the resistances will be parameterized so you can set and very them in different circuits or even run parametric sweeps.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 10

Exploring Simple Rectifier Circuits Using Ideal Transformers
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to use RF.Spice’s transformer models. You will build and test half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits and perform Fourier analysis of the waveforms.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 11

Analyzing the Frequency Response of Multistage BJT Amplifiers
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will build and test two-stage common emitter amplifiers using different BJT devices and examine their frequency response. You will learn how to import an external device model and use it in your circuit. You will also become familiar with RF.Spice’s Bode Plotter virtual instrument.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 12

Exploring an Integrated Circuit Voltage Comparator
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will analyze a fairly complicated integrated circuit. The schematic of the LM710 Voltage Comparator is shown in the figure below. This device generates a binary output voltage fluctuating between -0.5V and +3.2V, which is TTL-compatible. So it may be used to generate binary signals for use in TTL logic circuits. The main objective of this tutorial lesson is to validate the simulation results of RF.Spice A/D through manual circuit analysis.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 13

Analyzing a Balanced BJT Mixer
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will build and test a balanced mixer circuit using differential BJT pairs. You will perform Fourier analysis of your mixer circuit to examine the various spectral contents present at the IF output of the mixer.

Analog Tutorial Lesson 14

Investigating Audio Power Amplifiers
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will first design second-order lowpass, highpass and bandpass Sallen-Key active filters using an operational amplifier, resistors and capacitors. You will also learn how to define custom plots. Next, you will cascade two second-order lowpass filters to design fourth-order Butterworth and Chebyshev lowpass filters.

RF.Spice A/D Digital Tutorial Lessons

Digital Tutorial Lesson 1

Examining Basic Logic Gates
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will use generic inverter gates and two-input NAND gates to build a three-input AND circuit. You will learn how to define digital inputs and outputs and use RF.Spice’s live digital timing diagrams. It is assumed that by this time you have already completed the first few analog tutorial lessons and are comfortable with navigating the RF.Spice A/D Workshop.

Digital Tutorial Lesson 2


Analyzing a Sequential Logic Circuit – The SR Latch

What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will build SR flip-flop circuits out of logic gates. You will examine their truth table and use them to verify the operation of RF.Spice’s own generic SR latch device.

Digital Tutorial Lesson 3

Building a Shift Register Using D Flip-Flops
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson you will examine the D flip-flop device and will use four D flip-flops to design a 4-bit shift register. You will use the live timing diagrams to analyze the performance of your digital circuit.

Digital Tutorial Lesson 4

Building a Binary Counter Using JK Flip-Flops
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will first examine RF.Spice’s JK flip-flop device and will then use four JK flip-flops to design a 4-bit binary counter. Besides using live timing diagrams, you will also learn how to run a transient analysis of your digital circuit.

Digital Tutorial Lesson 5

Building a Ripple-Carry Adder Using Reusable Digital Adder Devices
What you will learn:

In this tutorial you will first build and analyze binary half adder and full adder circuits made up of logic gates. Then, you will create a new reusable digital device out of the full adder circuit and will store it in the RF.Spice A/D parts database for later use. Next, you will use your reusable digital full adder device to build a four-bit ripple-carry adder circuit.

You can use multiple full adders to build an N-bit adder circuit. Each full adder inputs a Cin, which is the Cout of the previous adder. This kind of adder is called a ripple-carry adder, since each carry bit “ripples” to the next full adder. Note that the first (and only the first) full adder may be replaced by a half adder (under the assumption that Cin = 0).

Digital Tutorial Lesson 6

Designing 8-bit Hexadecimal Adders with Digital Data Buses
What you will learn:

In this tutorial you will use commercial digital parts to build two-output and three-output digital adders. You will learn how to combine or split digital data bus lines. You will also learn how to define and work with hexadecimal data.

RF.Spice A/D Mixed-Signal Tutorial Lessons

Mixed-Signal Tutorial Lesson 1

Analyzing Basic Mixed-Mode Circuits with Logic Gates
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to combine analog and digital devices in the same circuit and perform a mixed-mode simulation of your circuit. You will use DAC and ADC conversion bridges to control the analog voltage levels corresponding to the high and low binary states.

Mixed-Signal Tutorial Lesson 2

Designing D/A Converters
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will explore two 4-bit digital-to-analog (D/A) converters. The first circuit is a basic D/A converter made up of a simple resistive network. The second circuit is a ladder D/A converter involving a digital clock and an operational amplifier.

Mixed-Signal Tutorial Lesson 3

Designing a Digital Ramp Generator
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will combine a ripple counter with a ladder D/A converter to build a ramp generator. You will also learn about voltage-controlled analog switches and will use them to select between up-ramp and down-ramp options.

Mixed-Signal Tutorial Lesson 4

Designing Sample-And-Hold Circuits
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will use SPICE’s standard voltage-controlled switch as well as a semiconductor FET switch to sample signals and build sample-and-hold (S/H) circuits.

Mixed-Signal Tutorial Lesson 5

Exploring a 3-Bit A/D Converter Circuit
What you will learn:
In this project, you will build and test an A/D converter using commercial integrated circuits.

RF.Spice A/D RF Tutorial Lessons

RF Tutorial Lesson 1

AC Analysis of a Simple Transmission Line Circuit
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will build a simple RF circuit consisting of a generic transmission line segment, whose input is connected to an AC voltage source with an internal resistance and whose output is connected to a terminating load. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you become familiar with AC Frequency Sweep analysis of RF circuits. It is assumed that by this time you have already completed the first few analog tutorial lessons and are comfortable with navigating the RF.Spice A/D Workshop.

RF Tutorial Lesson 2

Transient Analysis of a Simple Transmission Line Circuit
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will explore the transient response of transmission line circuits with various load configurations. You will also perform a Fourier analysis of non-sinusoidal signals.

RF Tutorial Lesson 3

Network Analysis of a Simple Transmission Line Circuit & the Smith Chart
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will run a network analysis test of the simple transmission line circuit you built in the previous tutorial lessons. You will examine the Z- and S-parameters of your circuit and study the Smith chart.

RF Tutorial Lesson 4

Analyzing Microstrip Lines & Discontinuities
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to design and use microstrip lines and components. You will analyze a microstrip double-step and will utilize microstrip discontinuity models to improve the accuracy of your analysis.

RF Tutorial Lesson 5

Designing Lumped and Distributed Microstrip Lowpass Filters
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will build and analyze a stepped-impedance microstrip lowpass filter based on a standard lumped LC filter design.

RF Tutorial Lesson 6

Examining Coupled Transmission Lines
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn about RF.Spice’s Generic Coupled T-Lines model and how to use them in your circuits.

RF Tutorial Lesson 7

Designing Distributed Bandpass Filters Using Coupled Transmission Line Segments
What you will learn:
In this tutorial first you will cascade several sections of generic coupled T-Lines to design a distributed bandpass filter. Then, you will realize a microstrip version of your distributed filter.

RF Tutorial Lesson 8

Designing an RF Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifier with Lumped Matching Networks
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will build an RF amplifier using a high frequency bipolar junction transistor (BJT) with lumped elements. First, you will examine the S-parameter model of the transistor and analyze its DC bias circuit. Then, you will calculate the port characteristics of the amplifier and verify its matching networks. Finally, you will run an AC frequency sweep analysis of the amplifier to characterize its voltage and gain performance.

RF Tutorial Lesson 9

Impedance Matching Using Tuning Stubs
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn impedance matching using tuning stubs of different types and forms. The goal is to match inductive or capacitive loads to a 50Ω line or source.

RF Tutorial Lesson 10

Analyzing a Distributed Amplifier Using an Imported RF BJT Model
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to import RF BJT models from text files and will build a distributed RF amplifier using a bilateral RF BJT and generic transmission line components.

RF Tutorial Lesson 11

Designing a Microstrip MESFET Amplifier
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to import an RF FET model from a text file and will build a distributed RF amplifier using a unilateral MESFET along with physical microstrip components for the input and output matching networks.

RF Tutorial Lesson 12

Time Domain Simulation of Generic RF Devices
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will explore the operation of several generic RF devices in RF.Spice A/D including Wilkinson Power Divider, Branchline Coupler and Rat-Race Coupler.

RF.Spice A/D System-Level Tutorial Lessons

System-Level Tutorial Lesson 1

Investigating RF Transmission of Digital Data
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will explore the transient response of long transmission lines when excited with digital signals. You will define a digital source to perform a mixed-mode digital-RF simulation and will transmit the binary output of a pulse width modulator (PWM) over the long transmission line. You will also learn how to define complex waveforms in RF.Spice A/D.

System-Level Tutorial Lesson 2

Realizing Analog Filters with Arbitrary Transfer Functions
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to use RF.Spice’s black-box virtual blocks to realize different types of filters with arbitrary transfer functions.

System-Level Tutorial Lesson 3

Analyzing a Communications System Using Virtual Blocks
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will use RF.Spice’s black-box virtual blocks to model a Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) communication system and construct a pair of transmitter and receiver circuits. Then you will use a long lossy transmission line as the channel to connect the transmitter and receiver circuits. You will simulate the transmission of a binary data packet through this communication link.

System-Level Tutorial Lesson 4

Exploring Phase-Locked Loops
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to test and use one of RF.Spice’s more complex black-box virtual blocks with a large number of parameters: the analog phase-locked loop (PLL).

System-Level Tutorial Lesson 5

Building Frequency Conversion Mixers with Virtual Blocks
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to use RF.Spice’s spectral processing and frequency conversion black-box virtual blocks such as frequency multipliers, up-converters, down-converters, etc.

System-Level Tutorial Lesson 6

Exploring Digital Filters
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to use RF.Spice’s Generic Digital Filter Block to define finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. You will also use RF.Spice’s Signal Sampler Block to create discrete-time versions of continuous-time signals and will learn how to generate noisy waveforms using RF.Spice’s Random Pulse Generator.

System-Level Tutorial Lesson 7

Simulating a Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) Radar System
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will use RF.Spice’s black-box virtual blocks to model an FMCW radar system. You will explore FMCW radar systems with both sawtooth and triangular chirp modulations and see how the target range and velocity information are extracted from the output beat signals.

System-Level Tutorial Lesson 8

Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Sampled Signals
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will learn how to use RF.Spice’s discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) blocks as well as its discrete Fourier transform (DFT) blocks. You will also learn how to define arbitrary temporal waveforms.

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