EM.Tempo Technical Specifications

EM.Tempo: Fast multicore, GPU-accelerated & HPC-class parallel FDTD solvers for simulating the most complex electromagnetic modeling problems

EM.Tempo in a Nutshell

EM.Tempo is a powerful electromagnetic simulator for full-wave modeling of 3D radiation, scattering and propagation problems. It features a highly efficient Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) simulation engine that has been optimized for speed and memory usage. EM.Tempo brings to your desktop the ultimate in computational power. Its FDTD solver has been parallelized to take full advantage of multi-core processor architectures. With a large variety of geometrical, material and excitation features including open-boundary and periodic structures, you can use EM.Tempo as a general-purpose 3D field simulator for most of your electromagnetic modeling needs. EM.Tempo’s advanced simulation capabilities are the key to a thorough understanding of the interaction of electromagnetic waves with complex media such as anisotropic composites, metamaterials or biological environments or with passive and active devices and nonlinear circuits.

Physical Structure Definition

  • Perfect electric conductor (PEC), perfect magnetic conductor (PMC), uniform dielectric materials and thin wire
  • Capability of defining a dielectric material based on a voxel database with a 3D spatial Cartesian data file
  • Capability of defining an inhomogeneous dielectric material by expressing the constitutive material properties as mathematical expressions or Python functions of the global spatial coordinate (x,y,z)
  • Uniaxial and fully anisotropic materials with four full constitutive tensors
  • Dispersive materials of Debye, Drude and Lorentz types with arbitrary number of poles
  • Generalized uniaxial and doubly negative refractive index metamaterials with arbitrary numbers of electric and magnetic poles
  • Two types of gyrotropic materials: ferrites and magnetoplasmas
  • PEC, PMC and convolutional perfectly match layer (CPML) boundary conditions
  • Doubly periodic structures

Sources, Ports & Devices

  • Lumped voltage sources with internal resistance placed on a PEC line or thin wire object with an arbitrary orientation
  • Distributed sources with uniform, sinusoidal and edge-singular profiles
  • Microstrip, coplanar waveguide (CPW) and coaxial ports
  • Waveguide sources with the dominant TE10modal profile
  • Multi-port and coupled port definitions
  • Two types of filamentary current sources: short Hertzian dipole radiators with arbitrary orientation and long wire current sources aligned along one of the principal axes with a uniform, triangular or sinusoidal current distribution profile
  • Plane wave excitation with linear and circular polarizations
  • Multi-ray excitation capability (ray data imported from EM.Terrano or external files)
  • Gaussian beam excitation with Hermite-Gauss profiles
  • Huygens sources
  • Source arrays with weight distribution & phase progression
  • Periodic sources with user defined beam scan angles
  • Standard excitation waveforms (Gaussian pulse, modulated Gaussian and sinusoidal) for optimal frequency domain computations 
  • Arbitrary user-defined temporal excitation waveforms using mathematical expressions or Python functions or loaded from a data file with plotting capability and user-specified normalization factor for frequency-domain computations
  • Passive lumped devices: R, L, C, series RL and parallel RC and nonlinear diode device placed on PEC line objects aligned along one of the principal axes
  • Active lumped one-port and two-port devices placed on PEC line objects aligned along one of the principal axes with arbitrary Netlist definitions
  • Active distributed one-port and two-port devices placed under microstrip lines with arbitrary Netlist definitions

Mesh Generation

  • Fast generation of Yee grid mesh of solids, surfaces and curves
  • Geometry-aware and material-aware adaptive mesh generator with gradual grid transitions
  • Fixed-cell uniform mesh generator with three unequal cell dimensions
  • Mesh view with three principal grid profilers
  • Manual control of mesh parameters and placement of fixed grid points

3D FDTD Simulation

  • Wideband full-wave simulation of 3D structures
  • Transient analysis with arbitrary user defined excitation waveforms
  • Multi-frequency computation of frequency domain quantities in a single FDTD simulation run
  • OpenMP-parallelized multi-core and multi-thread FDTD simulation engine
  • GPU-accelerated FDTD simulation engine for NVIDIA CUDA platforms
  • Highly parallelized Linux FDTD solver hybridizing MPI and OpenMP paradigms on mixed distributed- and shared-memory HPC platforms with arbitrary domain decomposition capability for ultra-large computational domains (subject to export control)
  • Total-field-scattered-field analysis of plane wave and Gaussian beam excitation
  • Full-wave analysis of periodic structures with arbitrary plane wave incident angles using the constant wavevector (or direct spectral) method
  • Run parametric sweep, multi-variable/multi-goal optimization and HDMR surrogate model generation for your physical structure
  • Special dispersion sweep simulation mode for generation of period k-b diagrams and data
  • Special periodic frequency and angular sweep simulation modes based on an existing k-b data file
  • Infinite material half-space Green’s functions for calculation of far fields in presence of a lossy ground
  • Accelerated computation of S-parameters of resonant structures based on Prony’s method of exponential interpolation
  • Accelerated computation of far-field quantities such as radiation pattern and radar cross section (RCS) by under-sampling the tangential field components on the six faces of the far-field box
  • FDTD loop termination criteria based on domain energy at a random or structured point cloud of arbitrary size
  • Improvement of multi-frequency (wideband) far-field radiation pattern and RCS observables with output data files containing associated radiation and scattering characteristics

Observables, Data Generation & Visualization

  • Calculation of electric and magnetic field distribution on user-defined planes that are parallel to the three principal coordinate planes
  • Near-field intensity (colorgrid), contour and surface plots (vectorial – amplitude & phase)
  • Near-field probes for monitoring field components at arbitrary points in the computational domain in both time and frequency domains
  • Temporal voltage and current probes (as part of temporal field probes) which can be placed on lumped or active devices or PEC lines oriented along the principal axes
  • Far-field radiation patterns: 3D pattern visualization and 2D polar and Cartesian graphs
  • Far-field characteristics such as directivity, half-power beam width (HPBW), axial ratio, side lobe levels (SLL) and null parameters, etc.
  • Radiation pattern of arbitrary array configurations of the FDTD structure or periodic unit cell
  • Bistatic and monostatic radar cross section (RCS) and polarimetric scattering matrix data
  • Huygens surface data generation for use in other EM.Cube modules
  • Periodic reflection/transmission coefficients and k-β diagrams
  • Port characteristics: S/Y/Z parameters, VSWR and Smith chart
  • Time and frequency domain port voltages, currents and powers
  • Touchstone-style S-parameter text files for direct export to RF.Spice A/D
  • Internal node voltages and currents of Netlist-based one-port and two-port networks
  • Computation of electric, magnetic and total energy densities, dissipated power density (Ohmic loss), specific absorption rate (SAR) density and complex Poynting vector on field sensor planes
  • Animation of temporal evolution of fields
  • Standard outputs for the magnitude, phase and real and imaginary parts of S/Y/Z parameters and reflection/transmission coefficients of periodic structures
  • Standard outputs for the three lowest local minimum values and three highest local maximum values of the S-parameter magnitudes and their corresponding frequencies
  • Standard outputs for the three highest local maximum values of the real parts of Z-parameters and their corresponding frequencies
  • Standard outputs for the frequencies of the first three zero crossings of the imaginary parts of Z-parameters
  • Standard outputs for the magnitude and phase of port voltages and currents and real port power
  • Standard outputs for radiation characteristics like directivity, radiated power, HPBW, SLL, etc.
  • Standard outputs for the backscatter RCS, forward-scatter RCS and maximum RCS
  • Custom output parameters defined as mathematical expressions or Python functions of standard outputs

System Requirements

  • Intel core i7 or later processor
  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 or later GPU card (for GPU solver)
  • 16 GB RAM minimum
  • Microsoft Windows 10 operating system or higher
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