EM.Ferma Technical Specifications

EM.Ferma: Electrostatic, magnetostatic, quasi-static & steady-state thermal solvers for dc and low frequency simulations

EM.Ferma in a Nutshell

EM.Ferma is a 3D static/quasi-static solver. It features two distinct electrostatic and magnetostatic simulation engines and a steady-state thermal simulation engine that can be used to solve a variety of static and low-frequency electromagnetic and thermal problems. The thermal solver includes both conduction and convection heat transfer mechanisms. All the three simulation engines are based on finite difference solutions of Poisson’s equation for electric and magnetic potentials and temperature.

With EM.Ferma, you can explore the electric fields due to volume charge distributions or fixed-potential perfect conductors, and magnetic fields due to wire or volume current sources and permanent magnets. Your structure may include dielectric or magnetic (permeable) material blocks. Using the thermal simulator, you can solve for the steady-state temperature distribution of structures that include perfect thermal conductors, insulators and volume heat sources. You can also use EM.Ferma’s 2D quasi-static mode to compute the characteristic impedance (Z0) and effective permittivity of transmission line structures with complex cross section profiles.

Physical Structure Definition

  • Perfect electric conductor (PEC) solids and surfaces
  • Dielectric objects
  • Magnetic (permeable) objects
  • Perfect thermal conductor (PTC) solids and surfaces
  • Thermal insulator objects


  • Fixed-potential PEC for maintaining equi-potential metal objects
  • Volume electric charge sources
  • Volume electric current sources
  • Wire electric current sources with arbitrary curved geometries
  • Permanent magnets
  • Fixed-temperature PTC for maintaining iso-thermal objects
  • Volume heat sources

Mesh generation

  • Fixed-size brick cells

3D Electrostatic & Magnetostatic Simulation

  • Finite difference solution of Laplace and Poisson equations for the electric scalar potential with Dirichlet and Neumann domain boundary conditions 
  • Finite difference solution of Laplace and Poisson equations for the magnetic vector potential with Dirichlet domain boundary conditions 
  • Calculation of electric scalar potential and electric field
  • Calculation of magnetic vector potential, magnetic field and magnetic moment
  • Calculation of electric flux over user-defined flux boxes and capacitance
  • Calculation of magnetic flux over user-defined flux surfaces and inductance
  • Calculation of electric and magnetic energies, Ohmic power loss and resistance

2D Quasi-Static Simulation

  • 2D Finite difference solution of cross section of transmission line structures
  • Calculation of electric potential and electric and magnetic field distributions
  • Parametric sweep and optimization of transmission line’s geometric and material parameters

Steady-State Thermal Simulation

  • Finite difference solution of Laplace and Poisson equations for the temperature with Dirichlet and Neumann domain boundary conditions 
  • Calculation of temperature and heat flux density
  • Calculation of thermal energy density on field sensor planes
  • Calculation of thermal flux over user-defined flux boxes and thermal energy

Data Generation & Visualization

  • Electric and magnetic field intensity and vector plots on planes
  • Electric and magnetic potential intensity plots on planes
  • Temperature and heat flux intensity and vector plots on planes
  • Electric and magnetic energy density, dissipated power density and thermal energy density plots on planes
  • Animation of field and potential plots after parametric sweeps
  • Graphs of characteristic impedance and effective permittivity of transmission line structures vs. sweep variables

System Requirements

  • Intel core i7 or later processor
  • 16 GB RAM minimum
  • Microsoft Windows 10 operating system or higher
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