EM.Cube & RF.Spice A/D Tutorial
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lessons
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 1
Analyzing a Basic Line-of-Sight Propagation Scene
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will define transmitter and receiver sets based on point objects and arrays of point radiators. You will learn how to run a Shooting-and-Bouncing-Rays (SBR) ray tracing analysis of your propagation scene and examine the individual rays received by each receiver. You will learn how to enable and disable the global ground.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 2
Examining A Polarimetric Propagation Channel
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will investigate a two-ray scenario that involves ground-reflected rays. You will examine the effect of wave polarization on the reflection characteristics. In this lesson you will use one of EM.Terrano’s wizards and will learn how to use project variables.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 3
Analyzing a Multipath Outdoor Propagation Scene
What you will learn:
In this tutorial you will define impenetrable and penetrable surface blocks to model your building objects. You will learn how to define material properties of buildings and how to create CAD objects of different geometrical shapes to represent buildings. You will also investigate EM.Terrano’s facet mesh generator.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 4
Analyzing Indoor Propagation Inside a Building Model with Penetrable Walls
What you will learn:
In this this tutorial you will set up objects with penetrable surfaces to model the walls of a building. You will also learn how to run a discrete frequency sweep of your propagation scene.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 5
Simulating a Dense Urban Canyon Propagation Scene
What you will learn:
In this this tutorial you will use the random city wizard to create an urban canyon propagation scene. You will learn how to import a propagation scene to your project.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 6
Modeling Irregular Terrain
What you will learn:
In this this tutorial you will use a wizard to create a plateau terrain profile. You will learn the special properties of terrain objects affecting the elevation of objects above them.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 7
Parametric Study of a Realistic Urban Scene
What you will learn:
In this tutorial, first you will import the CAD models of buildings in downtown Ann Arbor, MI. Then, you will learn how to perform a uniform frequency sweep and a parametric sweep of your propagation scene with the sweep variable being the transmitter height. You will also examine the statistical features of your SBR simulations.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 8
Simulating a Communications Link with Directional Antennas
What you will learn:
In all the previous EM.Terrano tutorial lessons, you used EM.Terrano’s standard half-wave dipole transmitters together with a grid of ideal half-wave dipole receivers. The primary objective of those lessons was to examine the received power coverage map in a multipath environment. In this tutorial lesson, you will learn how to import the radiation pattern of more sophisticated antennas and will use realistic radiator models for the receivers. With realistic antennas on the both ends of a link, you can perform link budget analysis.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 9
A SBR Channel Analysis of an Urban Scene
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson, you will learn how to perform a SBR Channel Analysis of your propagation scene and examine the individual rays received by each receiver. Then, you will learn how to perform a rotational sweep in order to rotate the radiation pattern of the transmitter(s) and receiver(s) about one of the three principal axes sequentially.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 10
Modeling a Mobile Communications Link
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson, you will use EM.Cube’s Mobile Path capability. You will use Mobile Path Wizard to model a mobile path in the Downtown Ann Arbor propagation scene.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 11
Performing Link Margin Analysis over the Spherical Earth
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson, you will learn how to set up an aerial communication link above the earth and perform link margin analysis using the long-haul channel analyzer.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 12
Simulating a Communication Link Involving Software-Defined Radios
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson, you will learn how to change the communication waveform and observe the effect of modulation scheme and error correction coding on the link performance.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 13
Simulating Links with Directional Antennas on Rotating Platforms
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson, you will learn how to import realistic directional antenna patterns and rotate them arbitrarily. You will also run rotational sweeps and perform link spatial availability analysis.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 14
Atmospheric Propagation Effects & Tropospheric Ducting
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson, you will learn about the global environment settings of EM.Terrano including its atmospheric models. You will simulate very long range communications links in conjunction with both standard and non-standard atmosphere models.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 15
Performing Link Margin Analysis on a Realistic Terrain Model
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson, you will learn how to import an external DEM or DTED terrain model and set it up as a terrain surface in your project workspace. You will run margin analysis on an aerial link in the presence of irregular terrain.
EM.Terrano Tutorial Lesson 16
Performing Link Margin Analysis above a Sea Surface Model
What you will learn:
In this tutorial lesson, you will use a wizard to create a sea surface profile. You will run margin analysis on an aerial link in the presence of the sea.